Underinsured Motorist Claims
If you’ve been injured in a car crash and the at-fault driver is underinsured, we’ve got you covered.
Powers Realty

What Can Be Done?

If you have suffered serious injuries in a car accident, it is important to talk with an experienced injury attorney who understands how to read insurance policies to look for critical language that may impact your ability to make a claim for underinsured motorist coverage (UIM benefits).

There are also specific requirements under Wisconsin law with respect to various legal notices that must be provided to a UIM carrier, and it is important to have a knowledgeable lawyer who can ensure these requirements are met with respect to the claims you wish to pursue.

The statute of limitations with respect to UIM claims was also change several years ago and it is important to work with a trusted team who knows how to manage these deadlines to ensure that your claim will be handled efficiently and effectively.


November 05, 2023 | Kristen Scheuerman

What Types of Auto Insurance Are Available?

Wisconsin law requires all automobile operators to have certain types of auto insurance. Drivers must have liability and uninsured motorist coverage (UM coverage). However, there are many other types of auto insurance available.

November 05, 2023 | Kristen Scheuerman

What is a Phantom Vehicle?

Most drivers have heard of “hit and run” accidents, however, there is another type of accident that drivers need to be aware of because of the very strict statutory requirements for reporting related to those accidents.

November 05, 2023 | Kristen Scheuerman

Are Hands-Free Devices Safe Behind the Wheel?

According to the National Safety Council, “even when talking hands-free, drivers can miss seeing up to half of what's around them because they are engaged in a cell phone conversation.”



Whether you’ve been hurt in a car accident or suffered injuries through the negligence of another person, the team at Weiss Law Office, S.C. can help. We’ve got you covered.